No, there are not always bugs in new software. There always are bugs in all software. It boils down to one fundamental principle of physics: no machine can work with 100% efficency. This, in part, means that it's impossible to create a software that works with 100% efficency, i.e. bug free.
As I said, if you want something that could be called more or less "bug free", you'll have to wait the next version for some 10-20 years. And the time it would be done, it would already be obsolete.
The design goal of PowerTools is not to be bug-free, because such thing is simply impossible. Instead, the design goal is to make sure the bugs are non-critical, like this one for example.
Ok I do agree that this is not a critcal bug, however seeing the list of many major BUGS (locking up the computer problems, memory resources problems, refresh problems, cleaning problems, and so on) I can say only one thing: the release was to early, because after some time many bugs are/were fixed.
In other words I wonder how you test your (beta) software on what kind of machines/os configurations.
A major goal to develop software is, that users can use the software that they benefit from the software, despite some minor bugs.
Now it is like you are saying (the world top down): I deliver software accompanied with lots, lots of bugs , sorry for that, and you will only benefit the software
in future, because you have to tell me the bugs first. So do not nag me, because everybody has a different pc with a different configuration
This can and never will be (an excuse and) the goal or intention of developing software.