And yes, Roxie2401 and Roxie are the same - I had requested a password reset many days ago and go no response. When I sent a e-mail to the board administrator, the e-mail address (do-not-reply@macecraft.com) comes back as rejected. I was even told to open a trouble ticket - still waiting.
So, I created a new login to comment on two items - the Main Window Setting and the "Expand All" in the scan results (which, by the way, others had started the topics).
And, I also had pointed out that even though I had checked "Notify me when a reply is posted" - that was not working for my login either.
Maybe the forum just doesn't want my comments.
I'm guessing you are a beta tester and really, really like the new, cute GUI products, new, larger icons, with the speed meters, health meters, tools categories, etc..
Which tools I didn't find? Well, it is getting a little "interesting" to keep up with the product. For many versions we have a "Software Manager", now, its a "Software Uninstaller" - just an example. Things keep changing. 2006 had 23 tools, 2008 had 22, 2009 has 24.
If I were confident that the actual tools worked the same, I would still be using version 2008, maybe even 2006, which had a Cookie Manger - but we lost that one somewhere along the way, too. When I run a Registry Scan in 2009 I get some results. But if I immediately run the same scan with 2008, without having made any changes (with the Emphasize Safety, Emphasize Number of errors set the same) I get many more errors in the listing. Was the Registry Scan tool more robust in the prior version? Who knows.
Too many changes. This is way beyond me.
You've voted "no." Several have voted "yes." I really wonder how many users actually had that option set to show all tools on one screen? Didn't the original product have all the tools on one screen? You bet!
I'm sure the issue is just going to die - its just something we had for many, many versions and loosing it just made the program a bit cumbersome - so a few of us have commented.