Own jvpt 2008, bought 2009 upgrade, finally received email for license download and did so.
Can't get jv16 Power Tools 2009 to recognize it. No indication that the license even exists.
After trying Desktop, installation directory, Autofind License, and then Install New License I finally got this little ditty;
"The following license file was found: “C:\Users|Larry\Desktop\license.xbin”, however, it is not a valid license file for jv16 Power Tools. Error message: Invalid or corrupted License file. If you have purchased a license, please contact Macecraft Software (http://www.macecraft.com) for a new license file."
I don't get it, after the utter disaster with 2008, I was just sure they'd get this one right BEFORE they released it, and maybe they have, but this doesn't instill a lot of confidence, in me at least.
Fercryinoutloud, if they can't even get a valid/uncorrupted license to us, how are we supposed to trust our registry to them?!?!? :