Macecraft jv16 Power Tools 2008 Beta Development Team,
I have arranged my continuing comments on the beta version into a compilation of previous post, which for the most part had all been posted in the wrong area of forum. Please accept my apologies for this. Here they are now. I have edited them to some degree to clarify some issues and in an attempt to organize them into something readable and understandable to anyone.
I just wanted to say that I have never been a beta tester per-se for your product are any other, however I have always been impressed with the Jv16 power tools.
It has been at least three or four years; I believe, since I first noticed and downloaded an available trial version. Even then I was impressed, even though I quietly blamed your product at times for crashing my computer.
Anyway, over the years I have come to realize that your product is indeed probably one of the best I’ve ever had the opportunity to experience. And one which delivered on most of its claims ... getting the job done well--if you took the time to read and follow the user’s manual. In addition it helps to use good sense, like reviewing what you delete before you delete it. The newest version I had the most recent opportunity to try out for a few days was a 2007 version. For some reason after three days it shut me out and said my 30-day demo period had ended. At first I thought it was an attempt to push the hard sale, and then I realized that I had most likely not reviewed the registry cleaner scan results before deleting the items from my computer. So, it is quit possible that I deleted my own 30-day trial license in someway and was unable to recover it.
What I really wanted to say at this time is that I believe that your product should keep its niche in the realm of powerful computer utility software, but at the same time maintain the boundaries that it has so consistently been able achieve throughout its developmental process until most recently.
It is great to have a tool that does everything like a Swiss Army Knife. But, on the other hand if the knife is dull on a few blades most of the time--then it quickly becomes useless. I would like to see jv16 power tools stay tight within its most recent interface (2007) and continue to deliver on its claims, rather than see it just become another multifunction tool that does only a mediocre job at best. I hope that made some sense.
PS: In looking through some of my notes I now realize that I have been aware of and used this program to some degree for a much longer period of time.
jv16 wroteThank you for your feedback. The new interface has been the number one requested change in our recent user surveys and therefore it's the way we are going with PowerTools 2008. But, if you don't like the new user interface the PT 2008 also allows you to use it with the PT 2007 interface as well.
Their will always be something that some user will not like about any user interface. And this Beta testing is about getting to the core of such issues. For me I simply liked the PT 2007 interface because for me it was easier to navigate. It seemed less crowed and more clearly about what each function could and should do.
Macecraft jv16 Power Tools 2008 beta Development Team,
I downloaded the jv16 power tools 2008 beta. It having been said in the forum somewhere that this version is scheduled for tentative release later this month; I am therefore making a hurried statement of my first impression regarding this powerful program.
First, I thought the 2007 version had a much more intuitive and pleasing interface than that of the new 2008 beta release. Also, the user manual failed to install on the 2008 beta release and I could find the help files no where on the website are in the beta forum for download as indicated in the error message (: Cannot find the handbook pdf file from "C:\Program Files\jv16 Power Tools 2008\Help\"! Please visit to download the free handbook).
A short opinion on something someone said on the forum to the effect that power users do not want manuals, but only prefer to review FAQ. I thought this was way off base. In fact, I think that so-called “power users” would prefer a very in-depth user’s manual in order to achieve the greatest functional benefit from this or any other program.
In many places it was clear that unnecessary repetition of program functions were present and made me question the designer, or design teams need to be so repetitive. It has been a clearly established rule since the era of modern software design to put such comments about program settings in the “setup” portion of the program instead of having comments and warnings pop-up are displayed continuously throughout the program during use. You should be able to adjust the operating parameters in the setup portion of the program and feel assured from that point forward that they will be adhered to without further attention.
Today’s computer users live in an ever growing high paced environment already burdened with tremendous demands on their time, and therefore will be a little more than disgruntled at having to wade through a wide range of repetitive explanations of program functions. Setup is where all this stuff belongs and then from that point forward the settings should be transparent. Excessive and unnecessary warnings are also over the top in this version. For example: warnings about backups, and asking if you want to make backups. You should be able to such issues to rest in setup and feel very comfortable that your settings will be adhered too.
To reiterate something I said in an earlier e-mail to the response team; I think most software users would prefer to have less but more dependable functions. It is imperative for the success of any software program, if it is to succeed and set the standard by which all other similar programs are judged, to perform as advertised and to do so with razor sharp accuracy; without depending on a wide array of subsidiary functions that in the end only dilute and blur the most powerful features of this already incredible program. By taxing an already awesome program with unnecessary features it delivers the program into the categorized realm of mediocrity. The success of any programs marketability will never depend on simply puking up the same old stuff that others have already done—only differently. The suite of jv16 power tools as presented in 2007 went well beyond the scope of it forte, and as a result the 2008 beta version has done nothing but blur the underlying strengths of this powerful program. I thought the suite of tools and interface in the 2007 version were strong enough and that any attention should simply have been directed from that point forward into working out any bugs and incompatibles with other popular programs that would in all likelihood be working side-by-side with jv16 power tools, i.e. anti virus programs etc....
I will continue to use and evaluate the beta version until I here of its formal release. Please note that I felt compelled to get this opinion out now instead of waiting and submitting a cumulative evaluation.
PS: Edited by user from original post for clarity.
PPS: All info obtained from running jv16 power tools 2008 beta under Windows XP Home Edition, 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600
Macecraft jv16 Power Tools 2008 beta Development Team,
Although, the 2008 beta version has an option to change skins, it does not stick. When you reload the program it reverts back to the previous skin. And the windows are for all practical purposes not re-sizable, as they suffer from the same affliction. This again is something that should be addressable in setup and stick after the first change is made no matter how many times you reload the program.
IMO the program would be more functional with the standard window options, i.e. minimize: up or down, restore, and close. Having a closable information window is fine. But, you should think very strongly about what info you decide to supply to the user in this windows.