tullik wrote History Cleaner
My daughter's computer has an unusually large number of files under Sun --> Java (namely 32,553 files).
It is in the third hour of backing up and clearing these files (about 50% done).
The amount of time for this number of files is not unexpected …
However, the status indicator is not up to the task -- it has shown 100% for nearly the whole time, and may have 3+ hours yet to go.
History Cleaner
The object count in the PT Backups subdirectory hit 15,548, then the tool started putting out 1000's of "Failed to backup" messages.
It finally put out an "all done" message saying 15,547 files were removed. The Sun --> Java line dropped from the list, but the status indicator was frozen on the tool results window -- PT was using 0% cpu -- clicking "Abort" made the indicator go away -- 17,093 files remain in the Java cache subdirectories ... the final Backups object count was 15,459 ...
Question: have I possibly hit some sort of limit in the backup/remove process?
A History Cleaner rerun showed 17,096 files under Sun --> Java. I started the "Clear" operation for those -- per the Backup Tool, the files are being backed up (and I presume, removed) -- I aborted the operation -- it said 2479 files were removed -- must have hit a limit in the first "Clear" operation ... ?