jv16 The issue is fixed on the next updated version of jv16 PowerTools. I might, however, release a fixed version of RegSupreme and RegSupreme Pro before that. I'll post a message to this thread when a fixed version is released.
philbee hi. just wondering about any update on fixing the zone alarm mailsafe bug. sounds like JV16 is still busy with updating Power Tools. but hopefully reg supreme and reg supreme pro will be updated also. that sure would be nice, if it is possible.
jv16 The update is available in the next released version. New versions of RegSupreme and RegSupreme Pro are coming right after the new version of the PT2005. If the release of the PT is delayed the RegSupreme's can be updated first, since there's really not much to update.
jv16 Just to let you know: the updated versions of RegSupreme and RegSupreme Pro are released most likely in next week.
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jv16 Of course not, update to the RegSupreme is coming in next week. I haven't been hurrying with these fixes since the problem isn't very serious.
philbee i just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for the zone alarm fix! i really appreciate it. Reg Supreme Pro continues to be an excellent, well designed piece of software. thank you so much for youe efforts JV.
jv16 FYI: An updated version of RegSupreme is released after I have fixed the bug reported in: http://www.macecraft.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=336 I was about to release the new version today but there's no point since I know there is one bug in the current registry cleaning engine (not a serious bug but still).
jv16 The updated version of RegSupreme is now released. It might still contain the same minor bug I refer to in my previous post. However, since the release of the updated version has been already delayed so much I decided to release the new version now.