Here are the results of bug fixing of the RC2 done since the last report. Notice that the Reported by field means the user who was the first to report the problem. If there are errors in these reports, please let me know since these are used when it is decided which users qualify for the free personal license.
Issues found by beta testers
Issue: Entry last modified data is not visible in Registry Cleaner under Vista
Reported by: BRHess
Status: Fixed in RC3 and later.
Issue: Backup tool should report if there are any errors in the process of restoring a backup
Reported by: tullik
Status: Fixed in RC3 and later.
Issues found in in-house testing
Issue: Mass File Renamer crashes if used many times in a row with certain settings.
Status: Fixed in RC3 and later.
Issue: It's possible to drag and drop the same file many times to the File Tool, resulting the file being listed numerous times.
Status: Fixed in RC3 and later.
Issue: Trying to split an empty file with the file split tool causes PT to crash.
Status: Fixed in RC3 and later.