Here are the results of bug fixing of the RC1 done since the last report. Notice that the Reported by field means the user who was the first to report the problem. If there are errors in these reports, please let me know since these are used when it is decided which users qualify for the free personal license.
Issues found by beta testers
Issue: Searching from lists without the checkboxes doesn't deselect the current selection, so the results are misleading. (Since in that window the found items are not marked with a tick, the highlighted items should first be deselected)
Reported by: PROGAME
Status: Fixed in RC2 and later.
Issue: When backuping the start menu (via Backup Tool > Tools > Create custom backup) it should also include the "All Users\Start Menu" folder, i think that what PT backed up in my case wasn't even half of my menu because of that.
Reported by: PROGAME
Status: Fixed in RC2 and later.
Issue: The cancel button of the Enter a Password window is not fully visible.
Reported by: PROGAME
Status: Fixed in RC2 and later.
Issue: Why am i being forced to disable only one item at a time ("Selection of only one software from the list to which the operation should be performed.")?
Reported by: PROGAME
Status: It's a quick and dirty solution, it will be fixed in the future.
Issue: why do i have 2 in Registry Monitor which are dated 30.12.1899, 00 with blank comments and a 439B size?
Reported by: PROGAME
Status: Fixed in RC2 and later.