Here are the results of bug fixing of the Beta3 done since the last report. Notice that the Reported by field means the user who was the first to report the problem. If there are errors in these reports, please let me know since these are used when it is decided which users qualify for the free personal license.
Beta3 Bug Fixing Report 2
Issues found by beta testers
Issue: Tools > Add shortcut to Desktop feature lacks the option to add a shortcut of jv16 PowerTools itself to the desktop.
Reported by: half
Status: Fixed in Beta4 and later.
Issue: The Disk Defragmenter is not working properly
Reported by: Many
Status: One critical bug found and fixed from the Disk Defragmenter. The bug caused the tool to defrag very slowly.
Issue: Apparently the History.xdat file contains code that picks up the Windows Run MRU items twice. The History Cleaner window shows a count of 6, while Registry Finder only finds 3 (entries are a, b, and MRUList).
Reported by: tullik
Status: Most likely the items were found using both the pre-defined applications lists as well as the heuristic scanner, that's why the data is being shown twice. The Beta4 (and later) contains a duplicate check which eliminates this problem.
Issue: Backups of History/MRU Cleaner should show in both Files and Registry entries category of the Backup Tool since the backup can contain both files and registry entries.
Reported by: tullik
Status: Fixed in Beta4 and later.
Issue: If the History/MRU Cleaner is once used (i.e. something is removed) the Clear button remains disabled and cannot be used before restarting entire program.
Reported by: tullik
Status: Fixed in Beta4 and later.
Issues found in in-house testing
Issue: Many automation features were not fully functional, including the Automation Tool and the run in fully automatic mode settings of Registry Cleaner and File Cleaner
Status: Fixed in Beta4 and later.
Issue: Numerous features don't respect the option to only show the messages in Message Windows and use normal Windows dialogs instead.
Status: Fixed in Beta4 and later.
Issue: Program fails to remove registry entires if it doesn't have full registry access rights.
Status: Starting from Beta4 the program checks upon each start that it can fully read and modify the registry and warns the user if registry access fails.