My system is Windows XP SP2
I started to run a fix of all of the 1707 found invalid entries. That brought up the dialogue to name a backup file. Since I did not know where that file was going to be saved, I did not enter a name. Instead I clicked on Cancel but when I did so, the fix began to run. I was unable to stop the fix program through its close button or through Control-Alt-Delete and did not know what would happen by running a fix with a backup file which had no name being saved in an unknown location. The Control-Alt-Delete was a bad move because it crashed my whole computer.
Restarted and tried again. This time, I decided to limit the number of entries to be fixed, but was a bit confused by the file selection process which did not operate as I expected.
I had decided to re-order the list of invalid entries according to the problem categories so I could more easily limit the number of selected entries. That worked in the usual fashion by clicking on the heading and I was able to put the group of useless extensions all together.
After that, I would have preferred to be able to select the specific invalid entries by clicking the check box of the first such entry and then holding down Shift and clicking the check box of the last such entry. Customarily that will select the entire range of the group from the first clicked to the lasts clicked. Alas, that did nothing but select the two entries that I clicked.
After beginning to click check boxes for multiple entries, I decided that doing so over 1000 times would get old. I finally figured out that I could select the range of entries in the usual fashion, using Shift-Click, by clicking on the name of the entry, problem or class instead of the check box and then going up to the Select menu item and clicking on "Select Highlighted." The help of FAQ should inform the user about this particular requirement.
Better still, I would prefer to be able to select a range of items by clicking on the check box of the first item in the group and then doing a Shift-click on the last item of the group, without needing the extra step of going to the Select Menu dialogue and then further choosing the menu item for "select highlighted."
In addition, after the program re-orders the items into groups by type of problem, i.e. "useless extension," and others, and one then goes through the selection process to "Select Highlighted" items, the entire list of groups reverts to the original scattered order of items so the selected items are interspersed throughout the list of invalid entries rather than remaining in the discrete groups previously created. I would prefer that the groupings remain intact to facilitate review that the selection process worked correctly without having to go through the entire list to review that.
After figuring out the selection process, the program ran without flaw and I ultimately found that it appeared to have saved a backup in a "Backups" folder in the RegSupreme Program Files shown in Windows Explorer.