Here is acopy of the reply I got from JV for my suggestions...........
Please send any liscening info to brotman@nc.rr.com
Chuck Brotman
--- On Tue 03/21, Macecraft Software < info@macecraft.com > wrote:
From: Macecraft Software
To: brotman@excite.com
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 13 +0200
Subject: Re: General feedback from macecraft.com, user Charles Brotman
Thank you for your feedback. We will most likely implement your
suggestion in the next major update of the product.
Best Regards,
Jouni Vuorio (Mr.)
Macecraft Software
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 8 PM
Subject: General feedback from macecraft.com, user Charles Brotman
> Hi,
> I'm a jv16 2006 Beta tester and I have a few comments regarding the
> start menu fixer module:
> My setup has alot of shortcuts (including numerous dulicates, for
> organizational purposes. I find the current User Interface (a yes
> no dialog) for choosing to modify or delete (as apprpriate) to be
> very clumsy for such a setup. I offer some possible ways to
> improve this:
> 1) Make the choosing list or tree based, rather than one-at-a-time
> by a dialog. ( Ontrack/Vcom Fix it utilities works (very nicely)
> this way...)
> Barring that...
> 2) Use color, dialog titling, or other obvious visual cues, to more
> clearly indicate whether
> this dialog is for a chasnge or a delete.
> 3) Add additional action choices such as:
> a) yes to all; no to all; cancel
> or even more specific (and granular)
> b) yes to all changes, of these directories, etc
> c) allow removal of the invalid shortcut from the change dialog
> (this would be useful for cases such as "unwise.exe" and
> readme.txt. which often offer erronious reassignments.
> d) be smarter about the dialog messages -- do some of the work
> for the user, whw=ere possible. Example:
> if offering a change from
> p filesx/y/doit.exe to
> c filesx/y/doit.exe Make it easier to see what's
> changing by vertical allignment as I have attempted here, use of
> higliting/color. eg make the changed item (here, the disk letter)
> stand out or simply say:
> change pointer to "program filesx/y/doit.exe from P: to C:?".
> the more general cases coulds be handled using path factoring.
> That's it for now. If I've sent this to the wrong address, please
> ingform me of the correct one and forward it apprpriately