theengine Hi, I'm a long time user, and with the 2005 version I was able to use the Registry Cleaner to clean my "User" Accounts in XP Pro, SP2, by altering the permissions of the JV folder in Program Files to give each User Account write and modify permissions. Doing the same thing with the 2006 version doesn't work. the Registry Cleaner finds more entries than the 2005 version, but it doesn't clean them. Doing a rescan just brings up the same entries. Any ideas, anyone. TIA
christianhart The RegCleaner works fine for me. This is probably too obvious, but did you check off the option to omit entries that the OS will automatically re-create every time? Just a thought.
theengine No, Christian, I didn't tick the option. Just tried ticking it, and it made no difference. After doing a clean, I still have the same entries showing up again. Thanks for the suggestion, though. Anybody any other ideas. TIA
tullik the engine wrote ... Anybody any other ideas. TIA If you post some examples, it might trigger some ideas. Copy and paste would work -- but a real pain for you. Screenshots? Check out -- if a big screenshot, use a thumbnail.