Hello. Here are my feature requests.
I would like a way to cross-reference ClassIDs in the registry. What I would really like is to find which files belong to (or reference) which ClassIDs. And then to cross-reference in the other direction - which ClassIDs belong to which files. I believe something like this is available through the Registry Finder if you know the ClassID or filename first, but it is still difficult to get a complete list of all the files (executables) that make up a program.
Along the same thought, I would sure like to easily get a list of the instance counts for DLLs/COM objects, etc. I recently installed a new antivirus program as a trial. The next day I uninstalled a paint program. The following day, the trial antivirus program failed to start due to a missing DLL. Likely paint program removed the DLL, but did the antivirus program register its use instance for the DLL? Should I keep clear of this antivirus program or the paint program? I can sort all this out by re-installing/uninstalling and observiing the differences, but a nicely organized view into the registry would help.
Another feature I would like to see is an MD5/SHA1 (and whatever other algorithms you prefer) to create sums for entire folders and to optionally save them to a text file for future review. I would also like to be able to run a quick sum of a file(s) and have it validated against one of the previously saved text files with a good/bad result. You might feel that these algorithms are freely available all over the net and an unnecessary duplication in jv16, but I would quickly drop the others I've used to have a nice simple and versatile implementation in my Toolbox.
I really like the idea of comparing snapshots of the registry with the Registry Monitor, although my present version doesn't work well, I am anxiously waiting for the new release of jv16 PT 2006. I would find a File Monitor program for comparing snapshots of files extremely useful for tracking new Installs. An additional benefit that I see in this would be to running a this in tandem with the Registry Monitor to track GUIDs/ClassIDs based on installs. A live File Monitor would not be very useful to me since I am only interested in tracking the results of operations such as installs.
Of course I may be asking for the moon here but I think ClassID, Instance, MD5/SHA1 and file tracking would give me a better understanding of the changes I wish to make in the registry before I make them. I also think the jv16 PowerTools is the kind of program where this functionality belongs.
I hope these ideas appeal to you as well.