Sometimes Registry Finder shows bad lines. Click the screenshot. The four non-checked lines are not correct. There were two or three others.
1. One line does not have a visible match to any search word.
2. That line's registry value is a very long string which is a list with the elements separated by a non-visible character. The first element is the value in the RF line, The second element is in the time stamp cell. Regedit jump goes to My Computer.
3. The time stamp is blank in the other three lines.
4. Regedit jump for the three lines with blank time stamps goes to My Computer; except for the time stamp, the information shown is correct.
5. Another line not in the screenshot had a blank time stamp and a value data type of RG_MULTI_SIZE. The information in that RF line matched what regedit showed (a colon). Regedit jumped to My Computer.
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Added note: PT 2005 displays the same lines correctly. See