I installed the evaulation tools package a few days ago. All the tools worked well until I tried to run a couple of registry snapshots.
First time, I tried a full snapshot and the program hung right after the status bar showed completion. At that point the status bar disappears from the dialog and the program just sits there doing nothing indefinitely. When this occurs, the program doesn't even seem to be consuming CPU cycles, and responds immediately to the Cancel button.
On the second try, I reduced the snapshot to Current User & Local Machine. That time it worked, so then I tried a snapshot of Users & Current Config and it hung again, same scenairo as above. After it hung the third time, I gave up and decided to post this message here.
I'm running a new Dell Precision 470 (Dual Xeon 3.2 GHz HT Processors - 2 GB RAM) with Windows XP Pro SP-2. I have a debug dump file of the code at the point it hangs. If you're interested in reviewing it, let me know and I'll send it to you.