I purchased V1.4 just over a year ago and found it excellent - no problems, did just what I wanted. I've just realised that things have moved on, and that new releases and products are available. It all started when I clicked on the Internet Update button in V1.4. I got the message -
"You are currently using version :
The latest version is : 1.5.xxx (upgrade, don't install over old version)"
So I clicked the 'Update' button on that dialogue box and it offered a new message -
"The version you are using is rather new so you can install the new version on top of the old one"
Anyway it then offered a download of an installation executable which I saved. I ran the exe and pointed it towards my existing V1.4 installation directory. It seemed to install OK, so I ran Power Tools, but guess what - it was still V1.4.1.128. So next I uninstalled this entirely and re-installed the exe a second time to a fresh directory. Now when it runs it tells me it's V1.5 (i.e. jv16 PT 2005) but it's only a 30-day trial. I've tried using my old licence file to enable it using both 'Install a New Licence' and 'Autofind a Licence'. Install New seems to complete but has no effect, Autofind tells me it can't find one.
I have now uninstalled the 30-day trial and gone back to my full functioning V1.4 (yes, fortunately I had kept the old installation exe despite it having same name as the new one) and it all works. But ... what did I do wrong? Was what I was attempting impossible? I thought I'd understood the prompts correctly.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance