Sorry I'm German and I translate it all by Google.
After installing jv16PT2016_beta1 I CleanUp and SeedUp run my computer.
The subsequent registry cleanup I can run with the bottom Fix.
With end of the program made the computer restarts, and was then in a restart loop.
Had to reset the PC via the restoration. I hope you can start with the log file what.
Product: jv16 PowerTools 2016 (run as: "C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2016 Beta1\jv16PT.exe" )
UI System String: You are using jv16 PowerTools 2016 on Windows 10 Professional (x64) with 6,0 GB of RAM. This copy of the software is licensed to Josef Vise. You are using the program as a Platinum VIP user!
Windows: Windows 10 (64 bit)
Windows version: 10.0.10586 (w10x)
Windows version debug: 000A0000 / 655360 = 10.0.10586
LSL = 15130
License file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2016 Beta1\License.xbin" (exists) (SN: 92496-81F54F3-389702641) (OKA: 2) (file size: 2,11 KB)
Licenses list: "Licenses1.dat", exists, lines: 14 (file size: 1,41 KB)
Licenses list: "Licenses2.dat", exists, lines: 0 (file size: 0,00 KB)
Licenses list: "Licenses3.dat" - does not exist!
Translation: English.lng, exists, valid (file size: 164,14 KB)
AppDir: "C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2016 Beta1\", dir exists, number of files: 61
BackupDir: "C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2016 Beta1\Backups\", dir exists, number of files: 31
ConfigDir: "C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2016 Beta1\Settings\", dir exists, number of files: 20
CacheDir: "C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2016 Beta1\Cache\", dir exists, number of files: 13
LangDir: "C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2016 Beta1\Languages\", dir exists, number of files: 1
TempDir: "E:\Temp\jv16PT_X\", dir exists, number of files: 2
SnapshotDir: "C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2016 Beta1\Snapshots\", dir exists, number of files: 0
C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2016 Beta1\Cache\ComDa.dat (filesize: 0,00 KB)
C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2016 Beta1\Cache\JD.dat (filesize: 0,00 KB)
C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2016 Beta1\Settings\HistoryCleaner.xdat (filesize: 32,27 KB)
C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2016 Beta1\Settings\MetaDB.xdat (filesize: 182,48 KB)
C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2016 Beta1\Settings\refod.xdat (filesize: 1673,44 KB)
RM: True
SysDir: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\"
WinLang: "Deutsch (Deutschland)"
CPU: 2673 MHz
SysScore: 6.7
FDrives = CEFGH
NFDrives = IKLM
Core Component Self Tests:
Tools.Translator: Created. Filename: "C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2016 Beta1\Languages\English.lng", Translated forms: 2
Tools.Settings: Created. StorageDir: "C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2016 Beta1\Settings\", Last flush: 3609 ms ago, Active file count: 15
Tools.FileSystemCache: Created. C1: 0, C2: 0
Tools.MsgManager: Created. Last msg shown: 3953 ms ago, Normal mode: True, MessagesShown: 0
Tools.SafetyNet: Created. DirCount: 13
Tools.RDA: , EPFileCount: 4406, CECount: 29, SECount: 0
Tools.REV: Created. NA: "N/A", FDCount: 583, FPCount: 476
Tools.RCILB: Created, FDCount: 667, FPCount: 826
Tools.RC: Created. Count: 0
Tools.Sorter: Created. LastSortCol: -1, Dir: 0
Tools.UserActionLog: Created, Filename: "C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2016 Beta1\Settings\UserActionLog.txt" (file size: 0,00 KB), Sessions: 0
Translation.MainFont_Default = "Default"
Translation.InitialSetupForm.5Jovn2 = "Performing Initial Setup"
InitialSetup run: 01.18.2016, 11
Runtime: 99,41 sec.
FileCount: 11534
FCC1 run normally: True, CE: 0, SE: 0, LI: 0, FI: 0, DI: 0
FCC2 run normally: True, CE: 0, SE: 0, LI: 0, FI: 0, DI: 0
Totals: CE: 0, SE: 0, LI: 0, FI: 0, DI0: 0, DI1: 32
FLIC run normally: True, PotLic: 14
Tutorial done: True
Settings.Selection.FullRowSelect = "false"
Settings.Startups.Startups = "1"
Env.RunTimeMode = rtmNormal