You cannot 'decompress' the registry.
Maybe you can restore the last well working registry with the most recent system restore point in Windows.
Another possibility: When jv16 PowerTools 2014 was installed, during the Initial Setup backups of the most critical registry data have been created. They can be restored as follows:
Go to Backups > Tools > Registry Recovery >
Of course the installation of jv16 PowerTools should be relatively recent to use this possibility, but it may be interesting if nothing else helps.
In any case when you decide to use the Registry Recovery tool of the Backup tool, I strongly recommend to make previously a full backup of the registry (e.g. with ERUNT) or to make previously a system restore point in Windows.
I also recommend this each time before executing the jv16 PowerTools Registry Compactor .
A last possibility could be to reinstall the software you are writing about.