Clik right and repair drop-down menu.jpgHello
I have the same problem, I get to work around as follows :
Clik on the "Repair" window registry cleaner button : automatic recording (backup) , then cleaning the registry . Actually repaired 0 errors . Everything goes normally, but it does not perform cleaning . If I try a second time cleaning, errors are still present , it is configured not to display rows that will be recreated automatically.
Clik right in a selected error in the window , in the drop and "Repair" of the menu. automatic recording (backup) , then cleaning registry and then cleaning is done you can see the bottom of the window in the corrected errors. cleaning was performed . If I try a second time cleaning, more error . The problem is the "Repair" button in the final window registry cleaner
I hope you understand my translation is that it can help you.