I had the same problem for some time. On one machine it was working fine (Win XP 32) and on another (Win 7 64) i had blank pages on the System Optimizer (Speed up my computer) menu.
Recently i did a fresh Windows install on the Win 7 machine and after installing jv16 PowerTools 2012 ( the System Optimizer did work properly all of a sudden .
I went to the settings menu and changed some things and closed the program.
When i started jv16 PowerTools one day after the install, i encountered the blank pages again on the System Optimizer : , but there was an error message at the bottom of the screen:
: File "D:\jv16 PowerTools\Settings\SystemOptimizer.xdat" does not exist.
Probably that message was there all the time before on the previous installation, but i never noticed it.
When i changed my settings, before my blank pages returned, i also changed all the locations of the Other installation directories just like i did before on the previous Windows 7 install.
For some reason jv16 PowerTools doesn't copy all the necessary files to the new locations when you change these directory settings.
So i went to the original location of the settings directory C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2012\Settings\
and copied all the missing .dat and .xdat files (including the SystemOptimizer.xdat file being responsible for the malfunctioning of the System Optimizer) and the directory named Icons to the new location (D:\jv16 PowerTools\Settings\ in my case).
When i started jv16 PowerTools everything was fine again 8) .
So if you changed the Other installation directories also at the settings menu, you need to give this a try...
I don't know if this helps everyone out there with this problem, but i hope Macecraft will fix this error before their next release.
Good luck !!! :