i installed the beta on my windows 7 pc, on my windows 8 laptop i install it in a few hours.
the installation works great and without any error.
I use the tool in german and there're some failing translations in the tool for the german language.
For example "Immunize my computer" isn't translated - in the "File" menue, there is "Settings and Backups" - Should be "Einstellungen" and "Sicherungen".
"Exit" should be "Beenden".
Under "Help" is the point: "Download my license" - Should be "Meine Lizenz herunterladen".
If i click on "Konfiguration", what should be "Einstellungen" - same as in the File menue, there is the last of five options, in english it means "Windows integration" i think - it should be cutted into two lines into:
For more eye friendly view
The complete funcionality works great on my Windows 7 computer, no fails ever at the cleaning up of my system.
mal mein kopierter Post aus dem PowerTools Lite 2013 Thread.