Hi, I have the following problem with jv16 PowerTools 2011 on Windows Vista (spanish edition):
When i use "open in regedit" in the "registry finder" window, registry opens but does not select the entry. It just selects the root.
After doing some research I found the reason why this happends:
The program puts the registry key selected, in the value "Last Key" located in the registry key:
When I check the "Last Key" value after using "Open in RegEdit" I found, for example, something like this:
The problem is caused by the word "Computer", cause in the Spanish edition of Windows Vista "Computer" is translated by "Equipo".
When I close Regedit and I open again not from jv16pt, it opens in the last key it was before closed, and when I look the "Last Key" value I found always something like
So in the spanish edition "Equipo" and not "Computer" refers to the local computer, and that's the reason why "Open in regedit" doesn't work on my computer.
This also happends on 2009 edition with Windows Vista.
But jv16 2009 and 2011 "open in regedit" works fine on Windows XP.
Any one knows how to fix it?
Thanks a lot in advance.