A Summary of Selected Bugs & Fixes for jv16 PowerTools 2011 (mainly tested using 64 bit Windows 7)
Beta testing summaries: http://www.macecraft.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=27662#p27662
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Submitted through the Bug Tracking system:
- . With a VIP license, "Buy jv16 PowerTools" icon appeared on desktop during "Initial setup." Bug ID = 413962.
. A Registry Finder scan can find the "Search word" references in HKLM, but miss those in HKCU and HKUS. Bug ID = xxxxxx.
. If Service Manager (for example) is started twice in the same session without closing the list first, the new list window will be blank. Bug ID = 419494.
. Backup Tool, Custom Restore: "right click-->Open in RegEdit" sometimes does not work correctly. Bug ID = 631295.
. When run from the Automation Tool, an aborted System Cleaner task gets an incorrect message. Bug ID = yyyyyy.
. System Cleaner Flush and Empty does not clear *.sys files in the target directory structure. Bug ID = yyyyyy.
. Double click column resizing sometimes works, but changes its mind an instant later. Bug ID = yyyyyy.
. Closing PowerTools with right click-->Close on its taskbar icon can sometimes wreck the PowerTools GUI. Bug ID = 518364.
- . Global Ignore List does not work for any column in the Service Manager list. Bug ID = 788779.
. File Finder didn't list a "Search in" directory in the messages. Bug ID = aaaaaa.
. Global Ignore List does not work for line tags. Bug ID = 468961.
. In a new session, Backup Tool does not remember the last column sort if it was done on the "Created" column. Bug ID = aaaaaa.
. Backup Tool-->Copy backup structure to clipboard is not working right. Bug ID = 864443.
- . Startup Manager does not list RUN commands which have no path and no file extension. Msconfig does list such commands. Bug ID = bbbbbb.
- . If the user has never started msconfig, the Startup Manager Disable does not work. Bug ID = 945266.
- . Software Uninstaller: many items in the "Installed software without uninstall info" group have no discernible reason to be in the list. Bug ID = ffffff.
- . The irsetup installer gets a "Parameter incorrect" error with the disks in a Windows 7 HomeGroup. Bug ID = gggggg.