Prior Beta issues I reported for x64 Windows 7
Beta 4 findings for these issues will be posted right here via edit.
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Beta 1 issues probably resolved in Beta 2
A list of these issues can be viewed here:
Prior Beta issues probably resolved in Beta 3
A list of these issues can be viewed here:
Prior Beta issues probably resolved in Beta 4 (v., v., and v.
In Directory Finder (for example), the path in the list's top panel is active for CTRL-point-click invocation of Explorer. However, 1. The path is not green and 2. The Explorer window comes up behind the list window. Still happens in v. 1. By design. 2. Reason unknown.
File Recovery Undelete does not work a second time from the run's results list. Fixed in v.
When disabling a task, Startup Manager can create a different HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\startupreg\... key than would msconfig. Closed; per trial-and-error, msconfig doesn't care.
Startup Manager: can miss a task (seen by msconfig) when the command line executable does not have a file extension in the string. Still happens in v. Fixed in v.
Startup Manager: can show a filename reference as the command line in the top panel. Still happens in v. Fixed in v.
Backup Tool command line parameter brings up the main window, not the Backup Tool. Still happens in v. Fixed in v.
Column width changes in the different Registry Manager list windows are not remembered. Still happens in v. Fixed in v. (sort of: it remembers drag resizing, but not double click resizing).
Custom Restore: very often, maybe every time, the Registry entries window comes up empty until you click Files, then click Registry entries. Still happens in v. Fixed in v.
Startup Manager: the entire HKLM Wow6432Node Run key disappeared when I clicked Enable for a selected disabled task. Still happens in v. Fixed in v.
Startup Manager: the entire content of the HKCU Run key disappeared when I clicked Enable for a selected HKCU disabled task. Still happens in v. Fixed in v.
Directory Finder does not delete some empty folders after repeated attempts. Explorer deletes them without incident. Still happens in v. Fixed in v.
Initial Setup does not back up HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. Fixed in v.
Initial Setup does not back up HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. Fixed in v.
Startup Manager: when disabling a task, the ...\MSConfig\startupreg\... key created is missing a necessary entry name and value. Still happens in v. Fixed in v.
Startup Manager: Enable for a selected disabled task gets an "Internal error ERM-1" pop-up. Only happens if Startup Manager did the disable. Does not happen if disable was done by msconfig before starting the Startup Manager. Fixed in v.
C&FMC "All done!" count can be wrong when removing empty directories. Fixed in v.
Backup Tool list: you lose your column width changes when you sort a column. This also happens sometimes in the lists of some other tools. Still happens in v. May be fixed in Beta 4. Still happens in v. for columns resized by double clicking). Fixed in v.
Backup Tool does not remember resizing of columns done by double clicking. It does remember resizing done by dragging. Some other tool lists are also affected. Almost fixed in v.
Action History: "Show backup" seems always to load the Registry data window first, then the Files window, even when the action item clearly is about files. By design.
Software Uninstaller got several access violations when I did this: 1. I selected Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U18 and clicked Uninstall. ... One AV gone in v. Still happens in v. Closed in v. Remaining bug to be reported separately.
Startup Manager "Open in RegEdit" does not work for HKLM Run items. It works for HKLM Wow6432Node Run and HKCU Run items. Still happens in v. Fixed in v.
Action History: "Show backup" on a time stamp grouping line doesn't do anything. Fixed in v.
Action History: while it is loading its list, and also if the list is complete, when you minimize then restore the window with task bar clicks, the load process starts over from the beginning. It doesn't do that if the upper right corner buttons are used to do the minimize/restore. The bug also occurs wih other tools. Fixed in v.
Software Uninstaller lists Math Input Panel Accessory which is not a product, per se. Fixed in v.
Software Uninstaller Uninstall window can list 100s of registry items and files irrelevant for Software=Math Input Panel Accessory. Fixed in v. (by excluding the software item).
Backup Tool: double click column resizing often does not work if the first column (Description) is quite narrow. Fixed in v.
Software Uninstaller main list: double click column resizing does not work very well. Better in v. Closed, to be restated more specifically.
Action History: the action code "TempFileRemoval" is on C&FMC lines showing empty directories detected via the Start Menu Tool functionality. Fixed in v.
Save list as ... in the Uninstall Software Files window can save the registry data instead. Fixed in v.
Prior Beta issues pending tests in next build.
Startup Manager lines have duplicate generated Tag System hash identifiers when the Description column is not unique. This mainly occurs when the Description is "N/A." The next two items are symptoms of this bug. To be fixed in the next build.
In Startup Manager, Tag Editor places unwanted tags on lines not selected. Still happens in v. To be fixed in the next build.
Startup Manager: an "Old" tag is placed on all 21 lines of a list. However, "TagSystem.dat" only has 17 line tags after the operation. Still happens in v. To be fixed in the next build.
A C&FMC warning pop-up is not appropriate since it only mentions registry data. To be fixed in the next build.
Software Uninstaller can show more than one line for the same executable, and the lines may have different installation dates. Still happens in v. To be fixed in the next build.
Registry Manager Add/Remove menu list has several apparent duplicate lines. They are not "real" duplicates since each one comes from a different key. Note: this bug confuses the Tag System since tagging just one of these lines also places the tag in its apparent duplicates. To be fixed in the next build.
Startup Manager: for some Winsock DLLs, a binary path in the registry needs to be converted to text, or not listed. To be fixed in the next build.
The top pane of Clean and Fix My Computer no longer shows the Description column's content. To be fixed in the next build.
Software Uninstaller gets an access violation every time after "Yes" to the backup dialog when you click "Delete" in the Uninstall Software, Advanced Settings window. Still happens in v. To be fixed in the next build.
Issues still present in Beta 4 (v.
Startup Manager line tags do not show when you start the tool again. Still happens in v. Work underway to fix.
When run from the Automation Tool, an aborted System Cleaner task gets an incorrect message. Still happens in v. Awaiting developer response.
Backup Tool: the menu bar icons show in the list area while the list loads. Happens every time during initial load. Low priority; to be fixed in a future build.
System Cleaner Flush and Empty gets an internal error message loop after "No" to a "Can be dangerous" message. By design in Debug Mode for safety. (Therefore should not loop in a future beta when Debug Mode is not always active?).
New issues noticed in Beta 4 (v.
Software Uninstaller & Backup Tool (and others): if a column starts out much too wide for the text, double click resizing narrows the column correctly for an instant, then it jumps back to the too wide width. Awaiting developer response.