Yes, we're all painfully aware of why jv16PT2010 took forever to be released. We still don't know why it was abandoned only 4 months after its release.
Irritation? Most definitely!
Realistic? What industry standard releases "the best yet" version of its software only to trash-can it 4 months later? That's the issue here and the reasons for the abandonment continue to go unanswered. Nevertheless, from a lay perspective, it's easy to guess why Jouni abandoned jv16PT2010. It was and continues to be a financial albatross. But going down that road was entirely Jouni's decision, not ours, and he can't even follow through with that decision.
So when the rhetoric rolls out, as it did with jv16PT2010, that Macecraft will only put out the best product, no compromises, and will stand by those high standards even if that means delaying a release for months because Macecraft wanted to be sure that their customers did not receive a product that failed to meet their high standards, it rings very hollow when the product is abandoned 4 months later, bugs and all.
And what you've just described is precisely the reality behind the rhetoric -- Ahhhh, it's good enough. We're no different that any other software company. jv16PT2010 will always have bugs and it's unrealistic to fix them all even when we know about them in the current release, months before releasing the new version. Yeah, that doesn't sound as nice and certainly won't find its way to the main page. But it's the truth....
In any event, thank you tullik for taking the time to respond and provide some sort of defense of jv16PT2010. I don't think you made your case but at least you made the attempt. You certainly have more faith in the product and process than does Jouni. He can't even bring himself to respond let alone stand behind his own product, which is consistent with his treatment of jv16PT2010. And, by the way, Jouni's penchant for hiding his head in the sand when under criticism is also consistent with his past practices.