From my point of view the 'Usability'thread is smoke & mirrors. I've recently been evaluating for users that JV16 is simply to complicated for 'Argente Registry Cleaner' (a bit on the vicious side for me) with on one of my lappy's. My point though is simply that on that freeware program you simply tick remember widow sizes & positions:- That's all I want, to set the window sizes & columns & the next time I use the module they are retained.
To be honest I'm getting a bit fed up every-time I want to use a module on JV16 to have to resize the windows & columns & because of that I'm getting so I'm apt not to bother using JV16 & use another program instead. This is not meant to criticize but simply an honest appraisal of my using JV16. I know I am a bit OTT with the way I run my PC's but as far as I remember I never had this issue before with JV16 since the days of yore.
Once again a great program & this is simply a small problem though a problem I feel needs addressing. I wont post on this subject again. All the best to you all: