I think the current Status reporting in BugTracker is confusing and on some points even misleading.
If a reported bug is fixed (=code is changed/corrected) the Status should be "Fixed".
If an updated release, containing the fixed bug, is released the Status should be changed in "Fixed and Fixed version released".
If a reported bug can not be fixed at this time, e.g. due to the lack of Debug Log and/or DebugReport, the bug status should be "Closed, Lack of information".
1.BugTracker shows severaI bug reports with "Status=Fixed, Fixed version released", while actually the bug could not be fixed at this time!
With added comment from the developer, such as:
-- "The report does not include the BugReport.txt nor Debug Log data. Without these it's not possible to verify or fix the problem".
-- "Cannot verify or fix the issue without the Debug Log".
-- "The report does not include the BugReport.txt nor Debug Log data. Without these it's not possible to verify or fix the problem".
2.BugTracker shows severaI bug reports with "Status=Fixed, Fixed version released", while actually the release containing the fixed bug is NOT released.
The last line of the bug reports currently states: Yes, this bug fix was included to the latest released version of the program.
If the bug is indeed fixed (and not closed due to lack of debug information!), the message should state this bug fix will be included in the latest released version of the program.