Backup/Restore tool run on an x64 Windows 7 desktop PC
Please read this item first:
Restoring the backup shown in Exhibit 1 below does NOT restore everything that was removed! The bug is easily reproducible, and happens every time.
In this particular case, doing the restore THREE times restores everything that was removed.
If the Entries.reg is manually reordered to look like Exhibit 2, this issue does not happen.
If you manually invoke a merge with the Exhibit 1 file (instead of using the Backup tool), this issue does not happen.
A "Bug Tracking system" report will be made for this issue.
I don't know at this time if this issue also exists with an x86 system.
Edit: I copied the backup structure to the Desktop of an x86 Windows 7 notebook. Then I copied it into the PowerTools Backups folder. The Entries.reg content was unchanged until I used the Backup tool to address the file. The tool stripped out the WOW6432Node part of the keys. A restore using the tool worked properly. However, on an x64 system, it is likely a bug exists in code examining the details of the Entries.reg content.
Exhibit 1
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; File created by TBackupManager
; Component version: 1.4.2
; Component used by: jv16 PowerTools 2010
; Program version:
; File Description: Clean and fix my computer - Selected: 1, total: 572
; Date: 14.07.2010
; Time: 06
Exhibit 2
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; File created by TBackupManager
; Component version: 1.4.2
; Component used by: jv16 PowerTools 2010
; Program version:
; File Description: Clean and fix my computer - Selected: 1, total: 572 (reordered)
; Date: 14.07.2010
; Time: 06
Edit: I reproduced this issue on 7/16/2010 to get a debug log and some RegEdit screenshots. Besides the three restores it took to restore the keys under the WOW6432Node, I then also noticed another phenomenon. The restore created the full structure in a NEW WOW6432Node UNDER the normal WOW6432Node!!! It only took one restore to do this.