robmeyer Starting the computer I get an errormessage like "license file corrupted....", but when I open JV16 it is normally licensed to me. I replaced the license by the original one, bot no improvement. How come ?? Rob
blackdex How do you know it is PowerTools that gives the message? Becouse PowerTools only starts with Windows when you have the 'Automation Tool' or the 'Privacy Protector' activated.
robmeyer Because in the complete errormessage "JV16 Poer Tools" is mentioned. But you are quite right: the automation tool clears my tempfile when starting the computer. I shall change that. Thanks Rob
blackdex But still, this shouldn't happen. Do you have the old PowerTools installed mabye? (v1.4.1). Which could for some reason interfear. But thats just a guese.
robmeyer no, the 1.4.1 was removed before installing 2005. I migrated the autotool to the loginmoment. Wait &See... Rob