Fixed quite a few issues, here is the Change Log:
Issues Fixed (since the original Beta7 release)
Issues found by beta testers (new numbers)
1. Unit Testing tool can show Error: TestExtractFilename : 1 SubID = 1 Par1 = Full mode efficency too low
2. Registry Compactor doesn't work if trying to use the "Compact with reboot" option.
3. Some parts of the GUI cannot be translated, such as the caption of Anti-Malware, Unit Testing and Debug tools.
4. Automation Tool's Create new Automation task window doesn't scale well enough to be translated.
5. The window of Mass File Renamer doesn't always show up large enough to properly hold all its graphical elements.
6. The GUI texts have some inconsistencies in terminology. For example, the Start Menu Tool uses a term "broken shortcut" and the System Cleaner uses a term "invalid shortcut"
7. Some parts of the GUI uses three dots with a space before, some don't have space. Such as, some buttons have a caption of "Add..." and some "Add ...", also, a few such item only has two dots, such as "Add.."
8. Some parts of the English.lng contains, by error, a double space between words, such as "None (default)" (there are two spaces between the two, instead of just one).
9. There are some typos in the English.lng, mainly "thie" instead of "this" and "Handook" instead of "Handbook"
10. The Add buttons of File Recovery and File Organizer tools lack the "..."
11. The English.lng no longer contains the important reminder to save the translation file using UTF-8 encoding.
12. You cannot close the Live Support window by clicking the X button from the top right corner of the window.
13. The Registry Cleaner can report a false positive if the username of Windows contains a space character.
14. When installing, the program no longer honors an existing MainSettings.dat in a target installation folder. It's replaced with the default MainSettings.dat
15. Unit Testing tool can show errors relating to TSettingsManager.
16. Program's uninstaller always removes backups and settings, even if user doesn't select those to be removed.
17. Directory Finder can show "The following information must be provided in order to start: Correct size search settings (Search by size), or uncheck the option to search by size." even if the Search by size setting is unchecked.
18. The contents of File Recovery tool's Deep Scan tab does not scale properly, the list box can be cut from the right, for example.
19. Registry Information tool only shows the data of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_USERS under "Data stored by root key" tab
Issues found in in-house testing
1. If saving a list, such as the results of the Registry Cleaner, to a HTML or XML format the resulting file can contain invalid characters. In other words, the data is not always encoded properly.
2. Saving lists to Base64 or Base16 encoded file formats does not work, the data is saved but it's not encoded at all.
3. Directory Tool's "Working. This might take a while. Please wait..." can contain cut text.
Improvements done
1. The Registry Compactor (that starts before Windows) is now fully translated, it uses the same translation file as PowerTools.
2. Improved the Unit Testing tool to better test the Registry Cleaner Engine against false positives. The improvement was inspired by bug #13.
Fixes in the making:
1. The Registry Cleaner freezes on some systems (mainly Windows XP) if run with the Reference Mode enabled.
2. File drag and drop to PowerTools from Windows doesn't work properly.
3. The list control's background sometimes flickers or turns black when a tool is working. This is very specific to system setup, mainly happens under Windows 7.
4. Any tool can show a random access violation as you browse through and operate on the results list. Mainly applies to the Clean and Fix My Computer feature.
5. Unit Testing tool can crash to "cannot create file".
Will continue to work on the issues reported in this thread.