Software Manager:
don't forget to uncheck a line before you check another.
Registry Cleaner:
What is safer to remove: High or Lowest (in 141 green or red)
Custome remove: to fix repeatedly click Ok; if OK is dimmed or blank, click the dubble arrows in the left under corner.
Fix: entries that are not fixed are removed immediately, without any warning. Insert a choice, please.
File Cleaner:
tab "files to find": the 3 options are or/or/or
tab "more": option "list all files..." is dominant and bypasses the drivechoises on the options-tab. Here to all 3 options are or/or/or
Duplicate finder:
This finder looks for percentage of content, so also for size
Automation Tool:
If you must choose a task, can you check several tasks or one at the time?
What is the difference between remove files...including subdirs and flush.
What is the difference between remove files and remove with the file cleaner?
Option tab: both field have to contain text.
Hope you can use this comment.