ngc94227 wroteGood day,
I don´t know if this is posted before. If so please give me the thread.
If I use the directory tool I find this problem: The directory-structure is deleted compeletely (top-root directory inclusive) if I use the move to the recycle bin function (this is normal behaviour). But if I use the empty function the top-root directory is OK, but the rest of the directories are deleted as well, as where the whole directory-tree should be intact and only all files should be deleted. This happens in both 2008 and 2009 versions of Powertools.
Or is there something which I should have enabled or disabled (or otherwise)?
Kind regards,
You are right in bringing up this issue. It may have been touched on in some very old threads, but let's get it settled finally here.
The issue revolves around two function terms: EMPTY and FLUSH.
The best definition in PowerTools of what the functions do is found in System Cleaner tabs:
When a directory is EMPTIED all of the data that it contains will be removed. That is, all the files and subdirectories will be removed.
When a directory is FLUSHED all of the files that it and its subdirectories contain will be removed. However, no subdirectories will be removed.
Given these definitions, the Handbook is incorrect:
- From the Directory Tool section in the Handbook:
"• Empty deletes all files from the directory and its subdirectories, the directory structure is not
deleted, only the files it contains." ... and "flush directories" is not mentioned anywhere ...
The logical solution, beyond correcting the Handbook, is to change the Directory Tool as follows (for example):
- *** Add a FLUSH function to the Directory Tool's "More functions."
*** Add one time TIPS to the tool -- they would simply state the definitions found in the System Cleaner.
Perhaps this will be done in PowerTools 2010 ...