Issues Fixed (since previous Beta)
1. In Registry Cleaner, during scanning the value of 'Keys analyzed' is higher than the number of 'Values Analyzed'.
2. After Registry Cleaner finishes scanning no Scan Report pops up.
3. The Registry Information window is not resizable.
4. Registry Information tool hangs at the very end of the scan when run the second time in one session.
6. Running "Clean & fix my computer" for the second time during the same session stops in an Access Violation.
7. The new tool tips are not properly showing in the list component.
8. Registry Monitor: "Create snapshot" function continues to run in the background after aborting.
9. Registry Monitor: "Compare" function continues to run in the background after aborting.
10. Directory Finder: Access Violation when clicking Start.
11. Backup Tool, Directory Tool, others: "Explore" does nothing. (x64)
13. Registry tools such as the Registry Finder can show HKCU and HLKM hits twice under 64-bit Windows. (x64)
14. Startup Manager: create new to HKCU RunOnce works, but the task never shows in the list.
15. Backup Tool, Custom Restore: when switching between tabs, the column widths are forgotten.
16. "Clean & fix my computer" causes AV/Invalid pointer operation when final analysis scan is aborted.
18. "Clean and fix my computer": List control->"Remove from list" for items under the "MRU and History" group may occasionally cause AV or hang program.
19. Registry Manager: Deleting an item on the "Open with" tab drops the item from the list but backs up and deletes nothing.
28. "Clean & fix my computer" is not honoring the “Never show” again list with the MRU/History group.
29. After saving a named preference, it should be selected in the preference dropdown box.
30. Backup tool: when restoring multiple backups at the same time, if some have the same description, some of those do not restore (per the messages).
31. System Cleaner: before and after changing the File Cleaner settings, nothing shows in the “Delete Files” window.
32. List component doesn't deselect selected items correctly.
33. List component doesn't handle shift-select properly.
34. File Cleaner: when started with a desktop shortcut, the results window disappears immediately.
35. Registry Cleaner: ctrl-clicking a file path in the "File reference" area may attempt to open a nonexisting location.
37. File Finder -> Find & Replace: the context menu actions are incorrect in the Find & Replace results list.
38. Startup Manager: when you remove a disabled startup task, there is a backup query, but nothing is backed up.
39. File Finder -> Find & Replace: there is no option to abort the Replace function.
40. Opening a tool sometimes freezes PowerTools, occasionally so that it cannot be killed using Task Manager. Tools seen to cause this: Software Uninstaller
42. Registry Manager: column widths are not remembered.
43. File Tool: when files are added, the column widths are reset.
45. "Clean & fix my computer": AV while creating a registry backup using context menu.
47. File Cleaner doesn't remember column widths.
48. Unit Testing Tool: stopped with “Error: TestFileToolsEx : 5”.
30. Unit Testing Tool almost always fails with this message: "List index out of bounds (0)".
1. (orig. 49.) Using the mouse wheel or the scroll area of a laptop, it is possible to make the Main Window get stuck in a very long scrolling loop where the category selector on left keeps moving rapidly.
* Not Reported (AFAIK) / Known Issues
1. The Main Window is a few pixels too short to fully show the "Registry health" text on some system setups.
2. A Message Window can pop up during Initial Setup to show an error message.
3. Double clicking a file in File Tool should open the file in the associated program, however, double clicking a file doesn't usually do anything.
4. File Analyzer tool shows random results for files it cannot open/read.
5. File Analyzer tool sometimes fails to analyze files that are under 1 KB in size.
6. Registry Cleaner could stop updating the number of values and keys updated during the scan for a long period of time.
7. Registry Cleaner can list False Positives under 64 bit Windows relating to files in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
8. With System Cleaner, if you click the Change Settings button of the Delete files with File Cleaner and click Cancel, the current defined settings are cleared.
9. Software Uninstaller can take forever to start in certain system setups.
10. The Main Window's top right area has some jagged edges near the Live Support icon.
11. There is a 2 pixels wide gab visible in the blue border on the right of the Main Window.
12. Sometimes grey lines show up in the Main Window close to the tool icons.
13. If one of PowerTools cache file is damaged the Registry Cleaner doesn't work at all.
14. If you have one line in "Control hidden items" windows, and you Un-ignore it, the program will report a strange message of "No items found" after the list has been recreated.
15. "Control hidden items" window reports funny names for ignored items, such as "2 name", when it would be more logical to just show "software name".
16. Clean and fix my computer tool reports "Scan finished ..." even if the scan was aborted.
Other Improvements Done (since previous Beta)
1. The Warning and Tip panels now have a X button at the top right corner for closing them, the method of clicking anywhere on the panel of Beta4 wasn't logical.
2. Improved the accuracy of the Error Severity field of the Registry Cleaner.
3. Improved the efficency in which the Registry Cleaner and Registry Information tools work with multiple processors. In other words, these tools are now faster on computers with a new multi-core processor.
4. Moved backups created by the Startup Manager to the "Other Backups" section of the Backup tool.
5. Improved the filtering of the Software Uninstaller.
6. New icon for the Live Support Offline text in the Main Window.
7. Added an icon and description for the case where there is no handbook available.
8. Added two separator lines to the Main Window.
9. Greatly improved the way Temp files are listed by the Clean and Fix my computer tool.
46. Startup Manager –> Create new: when you add a task to HKLM Run/RunOnce, it is actually put in HKLM Wow6432Node. (x86)
Steps: Run the tool, click New, check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Run or RunOnce, fill the Caption and Command line fields and click OK. Confirm with regedit.
5. History Cleaner: Access Violation in "Control hidden items" while using "Never show".