I just wanted to rave about any product jv16 has developed, I was a user of ReSupremePro since 2006 and was kind of sad that he discountinued it but I do thank him for giving us ReSupremePro users a free upgrade to jv16 PT 2009, never could I of imagined how awsome of a tool this program was. I was a fan the first time I used RSP and I have been a loyal customer since 2006. Never has any of his products let me down or caused any system errors or crashes like many other programs.
I am a clean freak when it comes to my PC and PT 2009 helps me keep it running as smooth as the first format. I cannot thank you enough jv16 for the wonderul tools you have created, I only wish I had discovered your products before 2006 as I would of used them from day one had I known they existed. So I guess thats about it and again thank you very much jv16 for such awsome tools. Your products can only get better :).
/end rave.