Registry Cleaner running on a clean install of Windows 7 RC Build 7100 in agressive mode (slider all the way down) does not fix two types of errors:
1. Error relating to %SystemRoot%\System32\rundll.exe shell32.dll,SHCreateLocalServerRunDll {...}
2. Error relating to Invalid ActiveX/DDE/COM/DCOM/OLE item
I am attaching the screenshots of the respective message windows. In the case of ActiveX/DDE/... there were 116 unfixed errors, so that the screenshot shows only the first few lines of the scrolling message window. The issue is repeatable. If you indicate a better way to document it than screenshots, I will be glad to provide it.
Other than this, Registry Cleaner works like a charm on Windows 7 RC. An issue regarding User Assist entries that I previously reported for Windows 7 Beta has now disappeared.