I'd like to create a task to do this:
1)clean the registry in automatic mode
2)clean fil with file cleaner in automatic mode
3)close the program at the end
i set these option in the define "settings dialog" during the creation ot the task paing attantion to check the full automated option both for the file and the registry but if i execute the jvb file the program ask me if i want t create a backup for the file and for the registry keys i delete is not automatic!If i don't press something it doesn't go on!
It seems also to me that there's a problem with the define settings option: i define the settings for the registry cleaner during the creation of the task,save the preferencese and press ok, if now i press again "define setting" the preferencese has come back to the default not to those i saved before.I think that's why the task is not completely automated