I have jv16 PowerTools 2009 v1.9.0.550, 32-bit WinDBG (http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/installx86.mspx), and Debug Diagnostics Tool v1.1 (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=28bd5941-c458-46f1-b24d-f60151d875a3) installed. After running jv16 PowerTools' RegCleaner with these settings:
"Emphasize safety of Registry Clean engine over both scan speed and the number of found errors."
Checked all performed scans.
Reference mode.
Agressive Mode.
the program breaks when I run it (some weird error) so either I have to restore the registry fixes or reinstall the program. Here's what the registry cleaner found and fixed:
@="DbgControl Class"
@="DbgControl Class"
@="DbgControl Class"
@="MsoHelp Key Search Dialog"
@="MsoHelp Key Search Dialog"
@="MsoHelp AW Search Dialog"
@="MsoHelp AW Search Dialog"
@="DbgControl Class"
@="DbgControl Class"
@="DbgControl Class"
@="DbgControl Class"
@="DbgControl Class"
@="DbgControl Class"
Thank you in advance. :)