Hi there,
i am new to this forum and use jv16pt since 5 years with 0 complaints! Congrats to the team!
The first problem i have encountered was with revisieon V1.9.0.550 the last week. It took me a few ours until i sorted it out.
Few days after cleaning the registry and not using OE6 i encountered that OE crashed to desktop a) when in tried to start a new email OR when i selected tab-sheet signature under Options within OE6 under 2 Identities. The 3rd one which does not have a signature was running ok.
after e few other "trial and errors" I checked the reg backup from jv16PT and found out that the keys which are holding the path info to the signature wher deleted by jv16PT.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; File created by TBackupTool
; Component version: 1.4.2
; Component used by: jv16 PowerTools 2009
; Program version:
; File Description: Registrierung-Reiniger - Ergebnisse
; Date: 18.04.2009
; Time: 13
"file"="D:\\Eigene Dateien\\Chrigel\\Vorlagen\\OE6\\Signatur.htm"
"file"="D:\\Eigene Dateien\\Chrigel\\Vorlagen\\OE6\\Signatur Tobias.htm"
Any idea why jv16PT marked thise tow entrie as obsolete and therefore ready to delete?
Thanks for your answer!