Beware Norton Internet Security users. The following registry key(s) is detected by jv16 Build 460 Registry Cleaner as keys that can be safely removed. Doing so removes the Norton LiveUpdate uninstaller from Add or Remove Programs or Programs and Features.
Adding PsuedoLiveUpdate to the Ignore Words prevents this false detection.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; File created by TBackupTool
; Component version: 1.4.1
; Component used by: jv16 PowerTools 2008
; Program version:
; File Description: HKLM\Software\Mic..., HKLM\Software\Mic..., HKLM\Software\Mic..., HKLM\Software\Mic..., HKLM\Software\Mic...
; Date: 31.05.2008
; Time: 07
"UninstallString"="MsiExec.exe /x {E80F62FF-5D3C-4A19-8409-9721F2928206} /l*v \"C:\\ProgramData\\LuUninstall.LiveUpdate\""
"Publisher"="Symantec Corporation"
"InstallLocation"="C:\\Program Files\\Symantec\\LiveUpdate"
"DisplayName"="LiveUpdate (Symantec Corporation)"
"DisplayIcon"="C:\\Program Files\\Symantec\\LiveUpdate\\LUALL.EXE,0"