In definitive, to correct the 2 bugs is sufficient correct the relative Headers in English.lng, in this way:
Wrong Headers - Now:
0 = Copy to clipboard
1 = Keys
2 = Keys and entries
3 = Keys, entries and values
0 = Copy to clipboard
1 = Files
2 = Directory structure
3 = Filenames
4 = Directory names
5 = Column data
Correct Headers - After the fix:
0 = Keys
1 = Keys and entries
2 = Keys, entries and values
0 = Files
1 = Directory structure
2 = Filenames
3 = Directory names
4 = Column data
This is all. Enjoy!
It works! Try to believe... :
Is Good? Smile, jv16. :
Yes, I know... It seems all very easy.
But it is not much easy to find bugs and solutions between 23 tools, more than 200 features and more than 1400 text strings! And in English... :