redseujac wroteMost likely the files are in use, so they can't be removed immediately.
Usually they can be removed after a reboot.
Hi Redseujac,
Thx for your kind reply.
Is it possible to have 400 to 800 files in use ?
1 - When running "History Cleaner" 1st time : MRU cleaning shows 600 error items
2 - When running "History Cleaner" 2nd time : all 600 MRU's are gone except 10 / 12 error-items
from which i also supose and agree with you , that these are "Windows in_use-files" (like log-files and others).
3 - When running "History Cleaner" 3rd time : same 10 / 12 error-items shows up again which confims your statement and paragraph (2).
Most (nearly all) the error-lines listed have got an LNK-extension and are located in "Microsoft\Office\Recent\"
Example : : Failed to access "C:\Documents and Settings\My Name\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent\inv_zzzz_vossenhol.lnk"!
All these 600 LNK's refer to CLOSED XLS- or PowerPoint files ... ????
Sorry to come back on this post but i feel somthing is going wrong here ....
Could this happen because i previously cleaned my history with another history-cleaner ????
Thx in advance for your appreciated help.
Best regards
Bnerard +++