List Filter - bug with "hidden" part of list
One can use lists from many of the File Tools as an aid for more detailed analysis, for example, utilizing the Explore context menu to jump to a specific folder.
When part of a list is "hidden" with the Ctrl/Alt/F feature, an interesting bug occurs.
Namely, if you leave the filter feature active and do a rescan without exiting PowerTools completely:
* The visible part of the list is "refreshed" correctly
* however, the hidden part of the list is not reset; when you later "unhide" it with the Filter radio buttons, there are then two lines for each item (one from the first scan and one from the second)
* if you do multiple rescans before doing the "unhide," there is an instance of each line from each scan
It's not a serious bug. One can work around it by closing the list's filter feature before doing a rescan.