What is going on at MaceCraft? Your normally reliable software is starting to destabilize. I've already seen bugs in the File Cleaner where *.temp was matching *.template. I never got around to reporting those but other people have - this is discussed elsewhere in the forum. There are other issues that have been raised in this forum.
I just ran the reg cleaner on my Win2K system and noticed a lot of new entries in the category Registry errors/Invalid file and directory references. Some sample keys follow:
Key Name: .DEFAULT\Environment
Class Name: <NO CLASS>
Last Write Time: 1/1/2003 - 10 PM
Value 0
Name: TEMP
Data: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp
Value 1
Name: TMP
Data: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp
These are the default values for the TEMP and TMP environment variables and should not be removed!
2. In HKLM:
Key Name: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\Temporary Files
Class Name: <NO CLASS>
Last Write Time: 10/1/2007 - 11 PM
Value 3
Name: Folder
Data: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp
Same bug, different key.
Please stop working on new features and fix the problems that you have. This is not the quality I have learned to expect from you. You have a good product. Don't let it deteriorate!!!