I've been using your software since when you were still at http://www.jv16.org, and have never found any software better than what you do. Don't know if you remember me, but I e-mailed you a few times with some issues I was having with your earlier products. Actually, I'm not even sure if you're still here, what with it being Macecraft now. =P
Anyyyways, on to the real point of this message. I have a few suggestions/bug reports for jv16 Powertools 2005 that maybe (I hope!) could be added/fixed in a new build sometime in the future?
Registry Manager
- Having each tab remember which sorting method you selected would be great. I always have to click on Author twice to get it sorting A-Z every time. Gets kind of annoying. Maybe an option like explorers "arrange icons by" feature?
- You got rid of the right-click more info/details window that was in the old jv16! why? It gave you quick access to regedit and had the full registry path! The "find more information online" is okay, but I'd love that old feature back.
- I'm going from memory, but wasn't there a "custom remove" button with the remove & close buttons at the bottom? That was a useful feature as well. =(
Registry Cleaner
- The "fix" option has a lot of bugs. The "ok" button sometimes becomes totally unresponsive, and can only become available again after a full restart of the program.
General Stuff
- Changing the font to certain different ones (like Arial - a common font), makes some text not fit in the boxes provided for them. Try changing it to 8pt Arial in the options menu, you'll see what I mean.
That's about all I can complain about right now. =D
I love the program, and am still very pleased that I purchased it. It's about time I finally supported you anyways, I got more than enough use from your efforts. =)
Mathew L Hatton