sbiznet Hi, As a user of old versions of JV16, I used to use a tool for managing files : rename, remouve, wipe, encrypt, etc.... Where is this tool in the last release of JV16 ?? I'm using the trial version at the moment regards
jv16 The File Tool in jv16 PowerTools 2005 is used to show the user a collection of files. In other words, if you use the File Finder or File Cleaner the found files are listed in the File Tool. The easiest way to get files to the File Tool is drag and dropping the files to the product's main window.
sbiznet Hi, Thank you for your answer but do I have to understand that the utilities to rename, remove, wipe and encrypt files are no more available in jv16 2005 ?? It would be a pity... Best regards Serge
jv16 All the features of the old File Tool are still there and some new features too. In the old PT 1.4.1 the File Tool was a way to search and manage files, in the new PT 2005 there are separate tools for finding files (File Finder and File Cleaner) and to manage them (File Tool). Please see the handbook for more information.
redwolfe_98 i was looking for information about the "file tool".. now i know how to access it.. jouni, it is good to see you in the forums..
tveit New user, just licensed jv16 PowerTools 2005. I see File Finder and File Cleaner, but NOT File Tool. I RE-read the documentation. Is it possible this module didn't install? Thanks. -- tveit
js1604 Same here, Just bought licence last week, also File_Tool icon does not show up although 'show all tools' had benn selected. isn't it really not installed?