The first beta version of the new jv16 PowerTools 2005 released.
The list of improvements can be found from:
Some release notes:
-The partial match of the Duplicate Finder is still very slow, it will be optimized before the final release.
-This release still contains some known bugs reported to us but not yet fixed, most of them are already fixed but some are still there. They will be fixed before the final version is released.
Translators, do note: Please use a visual file difference tool to see what parts of the translation was changed. There are only a very few changes but finding them by hand is quite impossible. One freeware tool for showing the difference between the old and the new translation is ExamDiff which can be downloaded from
For you to compare, there are two old English translations available.
The English.lng of the current version of jv16 PowerTools 2005 (
The English.lng of the very first version of jv16 PowerTools 2005:
The download url of the beta version itself is:
This is still a very much beta stage software. Use it only for testing!
Please write all your reports and comments to this thread.
Best reports are rewarded with free licenses. The free licenses will be sent out soon after the public release of the final version.