A Reg Cleaner bug becomes a feature?
http://www.macecraft.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=11510#11510 - Registry Cleaner, "Don't pop up …" option affects Scan Report, not the results window
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If you change the handbook description of the "Don't pop up …" RC Advanced options feature, the Scan Report part of this bug becomes a feature. :
Just add something like the suggested red text to the description of the feature:"• Don't pop up the window after finished option is only effective if you minimize the window
during the scan. If you minimize it, the window will by default pop back up when the job is
done. You can disable that behavior with this option.
The option also suppresses the display of the Scan Report whether or not the results window
is minimized."
The "minimized window" part of the bug still would need to be fixed, since it doesn’t pop up the minimized results list "when the job is done."
Note: the distributed handbook describes four Advanced options features, but the tool's tab has five.