tullik Sorry, we encountered an error while displaying this content. If you're a user, please try again later. If you're an administrator, take a look in your Flarum log files for more information.
tosbsas still trouble - it shows 1013 mru entries - wallpaper, but regcleaner will freeze when I press select all If I first run mru cleaner things work as they should Ruben XPHomesp2 1.6Ghz 1024Ram DDR2
tullik tullik wrote ... PT windows Windows with a maximize/restore toggle widget maximize (or restore) with a single click on the title bar. Added note: happens frequently, but not all the time … ... Also, when trying to switch windows, a single click on a line may invoke a context menu item -- just hope it doesn't do something unrecoverable … (v and v
jv16 tullik wrotetullik wrote ... PT windows Windows with a maximize/restore toggle widget maximize (or restore) with a single click on the title bar. Added note: happens frequently, but not all the time … ... Also, when trying to switch windows, a single click on a line may invoke a context menu item -- just hope it doesn't do something unrecoverable … (v and v Can someone else confirm these problems? I haven't been able to reproduce these issues with any operating system.
tullik Sorry, we encountered an error while displaying this content. If you're a user, please try again later. If you're an administrator, take a look in your Flarum log files for more information.