I could've sworn that all the prior releases of PowerTools used to be available for download, including all the fixes/updates for each major version - were they removed? Or am I confused? - (which may very well be the case) ...
Anyways, I've unfortunately gotten a few Blue Screens (of death) while trying to use PT 2007 (Win XP Home SP2), and these BSOD's completely hard-lock my computer, ie., they force me to do a hard shutdown. Upon reboot, I am then greeted with another BSOD, and, thank God in heaven, my Last-known-good actually carried me through to a logon screen.
Since I've been using jv16 PT for several years now, I guess I'm just spoiled on the tight, solid programs that most of your legacy stuff is.
I know PT 2007 will come around and develop into an awesome tool, however, until it matures a little more, I'd really like to be able to go back to the latest release of jv16 PowerTools 2006 since I actually use it quite extensively in a lot of the cataloging work that I do ... thanks ...