JV16 Powertools 2005 has been updated on 16 March 2005.
You can download the updated version here: http://www.macecraft.com/downloads/http://www.macecraft.com/downloads/.
- Fixed a problem with the Select > By frequent column data feature. Using the feature sometimes caused the product to close down or show an access violation error.
- Changed the shortcut of the Registry Cleaner's Hide entry feature from Ctrl+I to Ctrl+H because Ctrl+I overlapped with the Select menu's Select Inverse feature.
- Fixed an interface bug that made it impossible to close down the product by right clicking its icon at the Windows Taskbar and selecting Close.
- Added scroll bars to the blacklist and whitelist features of the Cookie Manager and the History Manager. Managing lists of over 10 items was rather difficult without scroll bars. The lists are now also automatically sorted.
- Fixed an interface bug from the Settings window which sometimes automatically turned off the Central Server setting.
- Fixed hopefully the last bug from the password protection feature. The feature treated the enter key as a part of the password, thus if you used the enter key instead of clicking the OK button the product didn't let you in even if you had entered the correct password.
- Improved the safety of the Registry Cleaner's ActiveX scan.
- Fixed a bug that prevented user from changing the product's application paths, for example in which directory to store the backups or the settings data. This feature is available under Settings > Installation
- Removed the Tools > Backup tool menu item from the Backup tool's Tools menu for the obvious reason.
- Minor interface improvements.
- Minor updates to the English translation (English.lng).
- Contains updated Russian and Swedish translations and the following new translations: Croatian, Polish and Japanese.